
Concrete House-Melbourne,Australia | Matt Gibson

Concrete House-Melbourne,Australia | Matt Gibson

22:26 07 June in Architecture, Residence, Residence-Context

06-07-2017:ArchDaily: This site  is north orientated and virtually square in dimension with a tennis court doglegged at the rear. It resides amongst a neighbourhood of sizeable blocks within an eclectic mix of mostly detached houses. The positioning of the building on the site was dictated by a 10m frontage set back. In order to gain maximum northern exposure and to maximise the rear POS an east-west band is positioned as far forward as possible offering the most responsive footprint…Read More!


Gurumê | Bernardes Arquitetura
Modern Flower Garden | MODERNi
University Hospital Brussels | OMGEVING
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Unitarian Universalist Fellowship | HACKER
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