

Vidalakis Residence | Swatt & Miers

21:18 15 April in Architecture, Residence, Residence-Plateau by MODERNi

04-15-2019:MODERNi: Located on a beautiful 3.7 acre semi-rural parcel in Portola Valley, this new 7,000 square foot home is organized into an 'L' shaped...  Residence-Plateau

Des Moines Municipal Services | Neumann Monson

10:43 23 September in Architecture, Civic-Municipal by MODERNi

09-23-2018:MODERNi; To develop interdepartmental cooperation and capitalize on substantial organizational efficiencies, a facility was needed to centrally locate the City’s scattered services in Phase...  Civic-Municipal

RWU North Campus Residence Hall | Perkins+Will

18:38 27 June in Architecture, Education-College-Housing by MODERNi

06-27-2018:MODERNi; The new 350-bed residence hall provides students with several different living options. Students can choose to participate in living/learning communities and have access...  Education-College-Housing

Southern Nevada Mobility Training Center | Gensler

11:32 19 May in Architecture, Training Center by MODERNi

05-19-2018:MODERNi: The Regional Transportation Commission’s new Mobility Training Center (MTC) is a facility designed to educate Southern Nevadans on how to increase mobility, especially...  Training Center