Kaiser Radiation Oncology Center | Yazdani
07-14-2019:Contract: Nothing better symbolizes the changing face of healthcare than the small glass rotunda that greets patients arriving at the Kaiser Permanente Kraemer Medical... Architecture
07-14-2019:Contract: Nothing better symbolizes the changing face of healthcare than the small glass rotunda that greets patients arriving at the Kaiser Permanente Kraemer Medical... Architecture
03-03-2019:MODERNi;A Casa Terra surge da intercalação de muros paralelos feitos de concreto pigmentado perpendiculares à galeria de circulação central. A articulação entre estes componentes... Residence-Plateau
04-08-2018;MODERNi; The elevated plot sits 4m above the street level and is surrounded by dense residential development. The eventual solution comes from a reconciliation of... Residence-On Water
03-21-2018;MODERNi; The landscaping project proposes the rescue of endemic species, sanitation and reforestation of existing areas as well as promoting free transit through the... Landscape-Park
04-11-2017:MODERNi: The front of the house is set deeply into the earth. You enter through a recessed courtyard and into a cool, private vestibule.... Residence-Landscape
11-11-2016:MODERNi: The motor court and front façade employ expansive planes of concrete and steel that vary in color, texture and scale. This side of... Residence-Forest
11-8-2016:MODERNi; The contrasting lines of the ascending roof and descending land foreshadow the inner scheme of the home. For example the iron white lattice... Architecture
07-16-2016:Landerzine: In the “Reichskristallnacht” – the pogrom night of 9th November 1938 the Nazi regime in Germany and Austria escalated the persecution of the... Garden
07-10-2016:MODERNi: Mellon Square is the first modern garden plaza built over a parking structure in the United States, and one of the earliest examples... Public Square
04-10-2016:ArchDaily: The square serves as an entrance gate to the western side of the campus, surrounded by existing buildings and the future Negev Gallery.... Landscape Design
03-30-2016:MODERNi: The 24,000-square-foot, two-level Mausoleum includes six crypt rooms, six columbaria rooms, three family crypt rooms, committal room, and support spaces for 10,000 interments.... Architecture