Lewis Arts complex | Steven Holl
10-18-2017:MODERNi; The program for The Lewis Center for the Arts includes, a theatre and dance building, an arts building, and a music building with... Art Center-Multi-Purpose
10-18-2017:MODERNi; The program for The Lewis Center for the Arts includes, a theatre and dance building, an arts building, and a music building with... Art Center-Multi-Purpose
10-18-2017:MODERNi; The program for The Lewis Center for the Arts includes, a theatre and dance building, an arts building, and a music building with... Art Center-Multi-Purpose
01-30-2017:MODERNi: The building is designed as a catalyst for events and artistic practices that contribute to greater social interaction, while being simple in every... Art Center-Multi-Purpose
10-15-2016:MODERNi: Housing Louisiana State University’s Museum of Art, studio art facilities, a regional performing arts facility with a 320 seat main stage, a hundred-seat... Art Center-Multi-Purpose