
Pop Temple in Leiden | Ector Hoogstad

Pop Temple in Leiden | Ector Hoogstad

23:15 01 May in Architecture, Auditorium, Auditorium-Music, Theater

05-01-2017:MODERNi: The theme of the design, for both the interior and the exterior, is the subtle combination of two opposites: old vs. new on the one hand, and crude vs. fine on the other. The size and scale of the new façades are in harmony with the rhythm of the houses which used to be there. The deep orange colour of the Corten steel used in the new façades matches the tints of the surrounding brickwork. The higher parts of the building are clad in contrasting, mildly shiny stainless steel, providing dynamics in which the parts sometimes forcefully reflect light, and then again become invisible, matching the colour of the sky...Read More!


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