

House in Frogs Hollow | Williamson Chong

23:03 02 May in Architecture, Residence, Residence-Open Land

05-02-2019:MODERNi: The house is not the final destination, but a stopping place within their network of activity. Carved into the landscape, the muscular tectonic of the long concrete wall figuratively clears the site for building while bridging the natural and tempered environments. The concrete has a toughness that mirrors the landscape, providing protection from the prevailing winter winds. During the summer months the wall provides patio shade, creating pools of cooler air that are passively drawn through the house…Read More!

Modern Idea Tags

Delaware Rural Loft | DIGSAU
Two Houses in Monção | João Paulo Loureiro
Holman House | Durbach Block Jaggers
Taiyuan Greenhouse | Delugan Meissl
Fort Vechten Waterline Museum | Studio Anne Holtrop