
Univ. Minnesota Health Clinics and Surgery Center | Cannon Design

Univ. Minnesota Health Clinics and Surgery Center | Cannon Design

22:08 19 December in Architecture, Health, Healthcare-Hospital

12-19-2016:MODERNi: Clinical modules are flexible and easily adaptable to accommodate changes in program development, best practices, and innovations of care. Understanding the benefits of an inter-professional care model, high priority was placed on bringing medical, research and education professionals together for collaboration and teaching. Designed under the premise that none of the employees require a full-time, dedicated workplace, workspaces are open and flexible with a focus on choice, collaboration, and access to daylight and views. Clinical collaboration areas, which can serve different clinics on different days, cut across clinic modules. Provider touchdown space wraps around the clinic modules to support out-of-clinic work. Finally, vertically-connected staff spaces promote a sense of community...Read More!


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