
Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre | DIALOG

Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre | DIALOG

21:37 26 November in Architecture, Cultural Center, Cultural Center-History

11-26-2018:MODERNi: The attenuated entry sequence from the parking area moves visitors through a series of nested concrete walls up to an entry plaza at the end of the rammed earth wall. The plaza—used for collecting large groups, and signage about events of the day—leads along a low concrete wall that separates the original desert landscape and the building;Modern DesignRead More!


Nashville residence | Hastings Architects
Canalla Disco | Vaillo+Irigaray
Fondation des Terrains Industriels Headquarters | Studio Banana
Ontario Trade School | Perkins + Will
Switchback House | Edmonds + Lee
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