
Halls Ridge Knoll Guest House | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Halls Ridge Knoll Guest House | Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

22:34 11 July in Architecture, Residence-Guest

07-11-2016:Dezeen: Sliding doors and operable hopper windows throughout the house use the prevailing winds for natural ventilation, while also providing expansive views of the mountain range. Wood flooring in the living space of the house is reclaimed from an old barn structureRead More!

Modern Idea Tags

Barn House | Eelde Kwint Architects + Aat Vos
Monthon Ville Residence | Ayutt and Associates
Taslimi Residence | Fleetwood Fernandez
Bacoc Hacienda | Reyes Ríos + Larraín
Sala Ayutthaya | Onion
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