
Rabbit Snare Gorge – Omar Gandhi

Rabbit Snare Gorge – Omar Gandhi

23:11 04 October in Architecture, Cabin

10-05-2017::MODERNi: On the coast of rural Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, The Rabbit Snare Gorge modern cabin is a single family summer getaway set in the rugged terrain of Inverness. The form is generated by the vertical transformation of the traditional gable, a way to get above the trees and view the landscape. Major and minor openings on this modern cabin follow the path of the sun, it’s setting over the Northumberland strait highlighted in the program…Read More!

Modern Idea Tags

Clapham Common House | Guarnieri Architects
Steel Loft | Charles Gwathmey
White Office Building | BNS Studio
Charles House | Austin Maynard
Lake Austin Residence | A Parallel Architecture
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