
Invermay House VIC, Australia | Moloney

Invermay House VIC, Australia | Moloney

21:44 26 July in Architecture, Residence

07-26-2016:MODERNi: The form is a simple linear block, divided internally into a series of horizontally and vertically connected open spaces. The envelope uses naturally fire resistant spotted gum cladding, insulated in-situ concrete panels, and split-face concrete block to suit the site’s BAL29 bushfire rating. The cladding will be left to weather, reflecting the greys of the surrounding bush…Read More!


Making of House in the Forest | Juan Carlos Torres
Simple Cubic Design | Denton Corker Marshall
Surfside Residence | Steven Harris
La Planicie House II | Oscar Gonzalez Moix
SIFERA House | Arquitecturia
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