
Estonian National Museum | Dorell Ghotmeh Tane

Estonian National Museum | Dorell Ghotmeh Tane

11:52 02 October in Architecture, Museum, Museum-History

10-02-2016:MODERNi: During the nineteenth century Estonia experienced an ‘age of awakening’ with the spread of a national consciousness and the establishment of Estonian language literature, theatre and professional music, as well as the formation of the Estonian national identity. Estonia initially gained its independence from Soviet rule in the 1920’s, only for its parliament to be disbanded in 1938. During World War II, Estonia was occupied and annexed first by the Soviet Union and subsequently by the Third Reich, only to be re-occupied by the Soviet Union in 1944. War losses in Estonia, at around 25% of population, were among the highest in Europe and an estimated 90,000 Estonians died...Read More!


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