

Obama Presidential Center | Williams & Tsien

11:41 23 June in Architecture, Museum, Museum-Culture

06-23-2019:MODERNi; The Museum building is a tower—representing ascension, hope, and the power ordinary people have to change history when they work together. Its design was inspired by a photo of four hands coming together. Like these hands, each facade of the four-sided tower will be a little different from the next — enhanced with texture and detail, and offering a beautiful and unique experience from all angles...Read More!


Island House | Peter Rose
<span style="color: #ff6600;">[MI]</span> Venture Capital Office Headquarters | Paul Murdoch
Archeopark Pavlov | Architektonicka kancelar Radko Kvet
Memorial of Centenary of Warld War 1 | Philippe Prost
Bubbly Bike | Songyee Yang