

Rutgers Business School | Ten Arquitectos

23:18 12 May in Architecture, Education, Education-College-Business

05-12-2017:MODERNi: The building is organized in three bands: classroom, office, and public spaces. They are connected vertically by an atrium, and horizontally stitched together via communal spaces of various scales, ranging from the personal nook to the collaboration zone. Circulation spaces engage rather than separate the different building programs and encourage unplanned social interactions. Faculty offices are located at the heart of the building within reach of the students, positioning professors as both resources and collaborators for the dynamic evolution of ideas happening within the school...Read More!


Ying Gallery Renovation | Praxis d’Architecture
Neolithic Collection | Giulio Parini
Elastic | Garcia Tamjidi
Balfour Place | KHBT
Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum | Laurian Ghinitoiu