
Rooftop Park Bulwark Sint Jan | Oslo

Rooftop Park Bulwark Sint Jan | Oslo

22:18 07 December in Landscape Design, Public Square

12-07-2015:Landezine: Coming from the railway station, entering the old town centre of ‘s-Hertogenbosch by crossing the Wilhelmina Bridge, a unique building of rusty steel will catch your eye. It is situated at the edge of the town river Dommel and a small park was created on top of the building. Bulwark Sint Jan on the Dommel used to be one of the four main entrances to the historic fortified town. Through the ages, three generations of gates have taken each other’s place here. At the end of the nineteenth century the bulwark was demolished so that the water of the Dommel could be drained faster. Splendid remnants of the two last gates, town wall, a roundel and mediaeval cobblestones were found in the ground of the slopes and street. The importance of the site and the state of the remnants are so exceptional that a subterranean building with an information and catering function was constructed here. The heavy flank walls of the bulwark were partly raised again and in the created space a massive roof with kinked surfaces was placed, seemingly floating on branched steel columns. In the building, designed by Van Roosmalen van Gessel Architects, the old remnants of the fortifications remain visible. From 2015, this spot will be the gateway to town for touristic visitors. On the roof, one and a half metres above street level, a public rooftop park was realised...Read More!


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