
San Telmo Museum | Nieto Sobejano

San Telmo Museum | Nieto Sobejano

21:12 09 April in Architecture, Museum

04-09-2018:MODERNi: Every architectural project carries within it the acknowledgment of the boundary as a concept, which determines its spatial and formal configuration. Whether the materialization of that boundary should occur in a clear or blurred manner, with strength or gentleness, expressing lightness or weight, is not a minor decision, because it reflects a specific stance when addressing the multiple discontinuities that contemporary cities face today. In a few cases these discontinuities are juxtaposed in a clear and yet harmonious way, as in the strip of land where Mount Urgull meets the historic center of San Sebastián: between nature and city; the horizontal plane and topographic elevation; land and sea; historical buildings and current ones. Perhaps for that reason the renovation and expansion of the San Telmo Museum, located at the confluence of the natural and urban landscapes, demanded not only a functional and volumetric adaptation to the program and place but, above all, a conscious architectural answer to the site’s frontier position. This approach, however, harbors a contradiction: the physical boundary tends to express its autonomy from an environment into which the building paradoxically also wishes to blendRead More!


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