
Micro House-Huntington-Vermont | Elizabeth Herrmann

Micro House-Huntington-Vermont | Elizabeth Herrmann

11:40 11 March in Architecture, Residence

03:11:2016:MODERNi: When an artist approached EH with the ambitious goal of creating a beautiful, tiny, energy-efficient house on a tight budget, she jumped at the opportunity.  The project had all the ingredients of a good challenge along with many aspects of residential architecture she’d been eager to combine in a single dwelling.  EH was particularly interested in creating a  high-performance, micro house that took the dialogue to the next level and didn’t appear to be driven just by size and performance.  Rather, she wanted to design a home that was first and foremost a lovely place to be, with all the variety and interest of a much larger home.  It had to feel spacious in spite of its size (a mere 430 finished s.f. plus loft), and never feel like a claustrophobic boxRead More!


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