

CaixaForum Sevilla | Vázquez Consuegra

21:58 09 February in Architecture, Cultural Center, Cultural Center-Multi Purpose

02-09-2018:MODERNi; The mentioned ocuppational strategy is based on an analysis of the existing spaces and the previous uses planned for the “Podium Building” of the Tower Pelli Complex. The current structure has unavoidable determined program distribution as well as the spatial configuration of the different uses. That way, the main strategy consists on placing a series of volumes fairly autonomous inside the present structure looking for the coexistence of each one of the interventions;Modern Design…Read More!


Casa Bahia | Zyscovich
Salento House | Massimo Iosa Ghini
Weber House | Ramella Arquitetura
Bicknell Family Center for the Arts | William Rawn
School of Visual Arts of Oaxaca | Taller de Arquitectura-Mauricio Rocha