

DNA Architecture | XU Tiantian

00:00 27 June in Architecture
06:27:2015: Behance : Iphone lamp designed to be an eco lamp that can use your flashlight on iPhone, for reading the books or listen to the music while phone is charging. Also, lamp designed with sound amplifier that makes your music sounds louder…Read More!


Arbour House in Peckham | Nimtim
Haitang Villa Townhouse | Archstudio
Table Ware | Emma Buckley
BT-House | ONG&ONG Pte Ltd
Corten Steel Pedestrian Bridge | CTRL+N


City of Cambridge Library | William Rawn
Canadian Farmhouse | Superkul
Teopanzolco Cultural Center | PRODUCTORA
Madrid Casa 03 | Lucas y Hernández-Gil
Apple Istanbul Store | Foster Partners