

Romainville | Brenac & Gonzalez

15:41 05 August in Architecture, Housing, Housing-Apartment, Housing-Condo

08-05-2018:ArchDaily: Fragmentation of built mass opens the way for a continuity with the surrounding context and the creation of visual perspectives, making this city block more porous and open. This approach also alleviates the perception of density, resulting in quality apartments, with multiple orientations and limited direct views of the neighbors opposite...Read More!


South Mountain Community Library | Richärd+Bauer
Maibara House | Alts Design Office
Jing Candle | Division of Industrial Design NUS
Sohanak Swimming Pool | Kourosh Rafiey
Lahti Travel Centre | JKMM <span style="color: #ff6600;">[MI]</span>