
AIA NC Center for Architecture and Design | Frank Harmon

AIA NC Center for Architecture and Design | Frank Harmon

23:07 19 June in Architecture, Culture

06-19-2016:MODERNi: Facing the global necessity to conserve and protect our natural resources, the design for the new AIA Center for Architecture and Design aspires to be a role model for healthy urbanism for chapter members and future development in downtown Raleigh by: responding to, respecting, and conserving the urban site; integrating building and landscape; promoting both passive and technological sustainable design principles; and bringing activity and delight to the cityscape…Read More!

Materials: Wall Panels – Single Lock Standing Seam | Vmzinc


W.I.N.D. House | UNStudio
Quintessa Pavilions | Walker Warner
Chinguacousy Ski Chalet | MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller
Zamora Offices | Alberto Campo Baeza
1776 Eye St. Lobby | Leo A Daly
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