
Author: MODERNi

LITE Technology Center | Eskew+Dumez+Ripple + Guidry Beazley

23:12 17 April in Architecture, Education-College-R&D by MODERNi

04-17-2019:MODERNi: A cooperative endeavor between the Lafayette Economic Development Authority (LEDA) and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, the Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise was...  Education-College-R&D

Vidalakis Residence | Swatt & Miers

21:18 15 April in Architecture, Residence, Residence-Plateau by MODERNi

04-15-2019:MODERNi: Located on a beautiful 3.7 acre semi-rural parcel in Portola Valley, this new 7,000 square foot home is organized into an 'L' shaped...  Residence-Plateau