Carlow Theater | Terry Pawson
11-15-2018:Dezeen:Terry Pawson Architects’ VISUAL & the George Bernard Shaw Theatre provides Ireland with a significant new arts space to showcase contemporary visual arts and... Culture
11-15-2018:Dezeen:Terry Pawson Architects’ VISUAL & the George Bernard Shaw Theatre provides Ireland with a significant new arts space to showcase contemporary visual arts and... Culture
07-07-2018:MODERNi: das erscheinungsbild des marktes wurde nicht nur zu erneuert, sondern auch deutlich aufgewertet und mit dem corporate design von SPAR, dem neuen eigentümer,... Retail-Supermarket
12-06-2017:MODERNi: Originally housed in a Paul Cret gallery in an arboretum in Merion, Pennsylvania, the Barnes Foundation collection is re-located to a 93,000 SF,... Architecture
10-27-2016:ArchDaily; A tourist information, a public toilet, and the Bukchon Gallery were built at the boundary area. Each building of about 50㎡ is organised... Visitor Center
10-15-2016:MODERNi: Housing Louisiana State University’s Museum of Art, studio art facilities, a regional performing arts facility with a 320 seat main stage, a hundred-seat... Art Center-Multi-Purpose
05-27-2015:MODERNi: Concerning urbanistic planning, the law courts of Caen redefines a new domain in the centre of the City. It comes with a quadratic... Court
02-13-2016:Architizer: With a very compartmentalized plant, originally with four suites, the first step was the demolition of some walls and the location...
09:06:2015: ArchDaily: Faber Industrie Spa are world leading manufacturers of steel cylinders. Their new headquarters are located at a boundary between an industrial area and...
05-31-2015:AR: The twofold mission clearly emphasizes the value of books and reading while fostering a sense of community cohesion. Of these districts, Anacostia, once...
01-00-2015:Dezeen: Three delicate glass boxes run the height of the facade, housing a bathroom, bar and staircase. White frosted glass, with a ridged texture that...