Z House | Zozaya Arquitectos
06-12-2019:MODERNi; The central volume of the house consists of two juxtaposed rectangular volumes composed of twenty-five centimeters thick walls. The upper rectangular volume has the... Residence-Plateau
06-12-2019:MODERNi; The central volume of the house consists of two juxtaposed rectangular volumes composed of twenty-five centimeters thick walls. The upper rectangular volume has the... Residence-Plateau
05-20-2019:MODERNi:The water for the lakes and the pool comes from a well, while the water demand for irrigation comes from a tank in which... Residence-Plateau
04-26-2019:MODERNi:O bloco de concreto transversal sobre paredes curvilíneas acolhe os dormitórios com janelas voltadas para o sol. No andar inferior, um volume longitudinal em... Residence-Meadow
11-18-2018:MODERNi: As the new single facility serving the entire Nursing academic community, the building’s off-campus location posed a challenge. With a lack of dedicated... Education-College-Science
10-08-2018:ArchDaily; Under the volume, a big shadow welcomes visitors, who pass by a small lobby before entering the triple-height inside the container, with the... Museum-Culture
09-23-2018:MODERNi; To develop interdepartmental cooperation and capitalize on substantial organizational efficiencies, a facility was needed to centrally locate the City’s scattered services in Phase... Civic-Municipal
09-12-2018:MODERNi; Our design is a low in profile, simple single-storey rectilinear form containing the main living and dining area with a bedroom ‘wing’ leading... Residence-Forest
07-28-2018:MODERNi: In order to distinguish the studio from the existing residence, the design allowed the studio to establish its own identity. The manner in... Residence-Studio
06-27-2018:MODERNi; The new 350-bed residence hall provides students with several different living options. Students can choose to participate in living/learning communities and have access... Education-College-Housing
03-09-2018:MODERNi; Above the ground a floating wooden nest box composed of things like branches and fallen leaves cover the nest on the ground’s surface.... Residence-Plateau
03-01-2018:MODERNi; A massive masonry wall retains earth and provides the resilient construction needed for safety, much like the rock bluffs abundant in the Ozarks.... Education-Middle
02-22-2018:ArchDaily; This is a humanized landscape of meadows, walls, ash, streams, a small-scale landscape, minimal, almost domestic, and where absolutely everything has yellow accents.... Residence-Cliff/ Hill
12-19-2017:ArchDaily: Located in an irregularly shaped property, the main strategy of the project is to properly organize the activities so characteristic of a property... Fire Station
11-28-2017:ArchDaily; The human scale of the pavilion makes it a comfortable space where to experience living in a garden. The pavilion consists of two... Residence-Forest
11-27-2017:Dezeen;"This archetype is usually defined by a polygon of regular geometric shape, generally well proportioned and with balanced dimensions, with which we all identify."... Residence-Suburban
11-08-2017:MODERNi; Its typological value is defined by its relationship with the road and as an integral part of the landscape; this is achieved through... Residence-Open Land
11-06-2017:MODERNi; The architectural principle is not a division from the land with a wall, but an interior that is an extension of the outside... Architecture
09-30-2017:ArchDaily; The site has a path to connect the north side of the mountain, it is a daily up and down channel for people. if... Office-Administration