Swedish Edmonds Ambulatory Care Center | NBBJ
03-02-2017:MODERNi: The design was inspired by the area’s geology and economic history. The striated building facade evokes the sedimentation left by ancient glacial retreats,... Hospital-Adulatory
03-02-2017:MODERNi: The design was inspired by the area’s geology and economic history. The striated building facade evokes the sedimentation left by ancient glacial retreats,... Hospital-Adulatory
03-01-2017:ArchDaily: The area called Tossols-Basil, which is designated for leisure activities, is located at the edge of both a city and a natural park... Sports-Stadium
03-01-2017:ArchDaily: The office building which blends in perfectly with the surrounding landscape is located in Hallwangen, a picturesque spot in the Black Forest with... Education-College-Architecture