Oaks Prague Villas | Richard Meier
11-09-2017:MODERNi; A covered and semi-enclosed walkway marks and orients the arrival sequence, which is experienced as a promenade connecting the detached garage structure to... Residence-Woodlands
11-09-2017:MODERNi; A covered and semi-enclosed walkway marks and orients the arrival sequence, which is experienced as a promenade connecting the detached garage structure to... Residence-Woodlands
11-08-2017:MODERNi; Its typological value is defined by its relationship with the road and as an integral part of the landscape; this is achieved through... Residence-Open Land
10-28-2017:ArchDaily; The new volume – space dimensions, ceiling heights, proportion of openings, orientation, and window layout – are a contemporary recreation of the architecture... Residence-Plateau
10-27-2017:MODERNi: The inner circulation, organisation of the views and the programme distribution of the house are determined by a single gesture, ‘the twist’. This... Residence-Plateau
10-04-2017:MODERNi; Set on top of the highest sea-side plateau in the Halifax area, the residence has clear views of both point pleasant park and the... Residence-Plateau
09-27-2017:MODERNi: This ocean-front house is low in profile to keep below the tree line and have a minimal presence on the landscape. The exterior... Residence-Plateau
09-19-2017:ArchDaily: A large deck at the level of the treetops and generous openings in the inner facade solved the goal. Corten steel of orange... Residence-Plateau
09-15-2017:ArchDaily: A parcel with irregular edges and a steep slope, enthroned upon a broad range of terraces sustaining a large amount of middle-aged olive... Residence-Plateau
09-06-2017:MODERNi: Set in the remote, harsh high desert of Idaho, Outpost is an artist’s live/work studio and sculpture garden. The building’s compactness restricts site... Residence-Studio
08-31-2017:MODERNi: The house immerses itself into the hillside and accentuates the distinct views of both Los Angeles and the Santa Monica mountain range. The... Residence-Plateau
08-22-2017:MODERNi: The indoor section has a linear axis with access to the rooms that crosses through the common, semi-private, and private areas. Likewise, the... Residence-Plateau
08-08-2017:MODERNi;The design of the house is planned over an existing natural platform located 3m above street level. This decision allowed locating only the parking... Residence-Plateau
08-05-2017:MODERNi;The site is heavily wooded and enjoys a beautiful southerly aspect with a view over the Durlston Country Park. Early on, we established the... Residence-Plateau
07-30-2017:MODERNi;Landscape design strategies were closely tied to the design of the house. A tight palette of native vegetation highlights vistas and other natural features... Residence-Plateau
07-03-2017:MODERNi;Within these constraints, the architect created an assemblage of building volumes to break down the scale of the 6,500 square foot program. A pair... Residence-Plateau
06-27-2017:MODERNi;L shaped bars of space lace the site measuring the topography without interrupting the terrain, like cartography, describing the site. On the side facing... Residence-Plateau
06-21-2017:MODERNi;The pavilion is sunken into the earth to reduce its scale within the garden with carefully managed excavations around existing tree roots. The garden... Residence-Meadow
06-20-2017:Dezeen; The building staggers down the slope so that is doesn't block views from the access road, with greenery on the rooftop blending in... Residence-Plateau