Trommel Residence | Mark Mack
09-26-2015: MODERNi: Tremmel Residence is located in Reno, Nevada designed by Mark Mack in 1992. The oversized trellis mediates between exterior harsh environments and...
09-26-2015: MODERNi: Tremmel Residence is located in Reno, Nevada designed by Mark Mack in 1992. The oversized trellis mediates between exterior harsh environments and...
09-25-2015: ArchDaily: The expansion project, the third phase of a three part master plan, consists of the renovation of the 38,000 square foot 1974...
09-24-2015: MODERNi: This project is situated in a glaciated, coastal landscape, with a cool maritime climate. The geomorphology of the site consists of granite...
09-24-2015: MODERNi: ARC is located in the heart of John Andrew's brutalist Scarborough campus design of the 1960's. The new building functions as a...
09-23-2015: Dezeen: Orange-hued panels of weathering steel encase the upper storey of this house in South Korea, which is elevated above the treetops...
09-23-2015: Dezeen: The Leaning House is positioned on a hilly site close to the Chungpyong Lake and was designed by Praud as a weekend...
09-22-2015: MODERNi: Chapel of St. Ignatius is Jesuit chapel for Seattle University built in 1997. Seven bottles of light in a stone box;... Architecture
09-22-2015: MODERNi: As part of the Hollywood Community Housing Corporation’s mission to increase the number of quality affordable rental units, this project offers one-, two-,...
09-21-2015: ArchDaily: This project began as an existing single level Victorian house in Prahran, comprised of a series of compartmentalised spaces, with some...
09-20-2015: Dezeen: Stones from surrounding mountains and bricks from a local kiln were used to build this house bordering a desert in Peru, so...
09-17-2015:MODERNi: This private residence is located on a three acre site defined by the Pacific Coast Highway to the north, the Pacific Ocean...
09-16-2015:ArchDaily: Djibouti is located in the Horn of Africa, which suffers from persistent droughts and severe scarcities. We were approached by SOS Kinderdorf to...
09-15-2015:MODERNi: Situated on a site within the heart of Metanopoli, in San Donato Milanese, the new CDe&p building achieves its prominence on the Metanopoli...
09-14-2015:MODERNi: Situated within extinct volcanoes on an altitude of 1.000 m this complex serves to inform about, educate on and experience the primeval forces...
09-13-2015:ArchDaily: The architectural concept of Filamentario Chapel is to create a processional scheme, a perimeter route that favors the preparatory gathering for religious worship;... Architecture
09-13-2015:DesignBoom: ‘casa PLS’ by corde architetti associati hides a wooden home within a contemporary white shell. the roof comprised of laminated timber cross beams carefully...
09-08-2015:MODERNi: A meandering stream collides with the rigid geometry of orchards to provide a setting for this rural residence. It is comprised of earthen...
09:06:2015: ArchDaily: Faber Industrie Spa are world leading manufacturers of steel cylinders. Their new headquarters are located at a boundary between an industrial area and...