Heldu tables | Iratzoki Lizaso
03-26-2019:Dezeen: Produced by Basque furniture manufacturer Alki, the Heldu range features several different surfaces that can be joined together to create tables of various... Furniture-Table
03-26-2019:Dezeen: Produced by Basque furniture manufacturer Alki, the Heldu range features several different surfaces that can be joined together to create tables of various... Furniture-Table
8-19-2016: MODERNi: From this central spine, additional spaces are articulated as independent volumes, projecting vertically and clad in either wood or metal siding. The... Residence-Suburban
07-31-2016:Dezeen: Overlooking Portage Bay in North Capitol Hill, this new modestly-sized chapel at Seattle Preparatory School is located on a very constrained, prominent site... Chapel