Glenstone Museum | Thomas Phifer
09-24-2018:MODERNi; Concrete boxes housing galleries are laid out around a tranquil pond at this extended museum in Maryland, which architecture firm Thomas Phifer and... Museum-Art
09-24-2018:MODERNi; Concrete boxes housing galleries are laid out around a tranquil pond at this extended museum in Maryland, which architecture firm Thomas Phifer and... Museum-Art
05-19-2018:MODERNi: The Regional Transportation Commission’s new Mobility Training Center (MTC) is a facility designed to educate Southern Nevadans on how to increase mobility, especially... Training Center
09-16-2017:MODERNi: The two-story curved form of the new building meanders through the woods, seamlessly integrated with the natural landscape, scale and campus aesthetic of... Education-College-Science
07-13-2016:ArchDaily: Situated by the main development's basement boundary, the sales gallery was also intended to function as an observation point from which prospective buyers... Gallery
06:01:2016:ArchDaily: This specific orientation has its own symbolist. Light of the sun is the knowledge and learners can only see this light trough the... Fitness Center