Y/A/O Residence/ Octane Architect & Design
08-02-2021 MODERNi; At the core of each component of the Y/A/O Residence, there is a small open courtyard. It seems as if it’s the... Museum-Art
08-02-2021 MODERNi; At the core of each component of the Y/A/O Residence, there is a small open courtyard. It seems as if it’s the... Museum-Art
09-22-2019:MODERNi; “The Twist is a hybrid spanning several traditional categories: it’s a museum, it’s a bridge, it’s an inhabitable sculpture. As a bridge it reconfigures... Museum-Art
01-14-2019:MODERNi:the most important architectural element is the giant cobogo facade, made of precast brise-soleil components, designed especially for the project. the use of cobogo... Museum-Culture
12-02-2017: MODERNi; The unique collaborative project serves students from public and parochial schools, as well as adult learners. Located separate from but adjacent to... Education-Professional
12-01-2017: MODERNi; The site is a deep, narrow, one-acre hillside property in Beverly Hills. The owners' desires were to create an oasis that focused... Residence-Cliff/ Hill
11-28-2017:ArchDaily; The human scale of the pavilion makes it a comfortable space where to experience living in a garden. The pavilion consists of two... Residence-Forest
11-27-2017:Dezeen;"This archetype is usually defined by a polygon of regular geometric shape, generally well proportioned and with balanced dimensions, with which we all identify."... Residence-Suburban