OZ House | Stanley Saitowitz
06-27-2017:MODERNi;L shaped bars of space lace the site measuring the topography without interrupting the terrain, like cartography, describing the site. On the side facing... Residence-Plateau
06-27-2017:MODERNi;L shaped bars of space lace the site measuring the topography without interrupting the terrain, like cartography, describing the site. On the side facing... Residence-Plateau
05-04-2017:MODERNi: The building was conceived as a simple structure with a mutable presence in the landscape. It maps a path from the open field, through... Residence-Country
09-20-2016:ArchDaily: All the material, both aluminium and plastic, is manufactured from a single extruded section, varied in placement and colour to give the appearance... Auditorium-Mixed Use
05-25-2015:UChicagoNews: Designed as a place of intellectual, institutional and educational exchange, the 90,000-square-foot building is organized around the need for a variety of meeting... Architecture
05-23-2015:Behance: White Wall,White Wall-Exterior,Steps,Steps-Exterior,Form-Assemblage+Box; Modern, Modern Design, Modern Ideas, Modern News, News, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Green Design, Industrial Design, Product Design, Landscape... Residence