Chapel for Saint Mary | Mark Cavagnero
11-20-2018:Dezeen: Roughly rectangular in plan, the building consists of an assemblage of mostly low-lying forms. The team sought to "make the space feel expansive,... Religion-Chapel
11-20-2018:Dezeen: Roughly rectangular in plan, the building consists of an assemblage of mostly low-lying forms. The team sought to "make the space feel expansive,... Religion-Chapel
04-01-2018:ArchDaily: When the tide is out it is possible to take shelter underneath the structure, but when the tide is high the building becomes completely... Religion-Chapel
05-17-2017:MODERNi: Clad in textured precast stone and infused with warm interior light, the 5,300-square-foot Bigelow Chapel has become the architectural focus of the United... Religion-Chapel
04-26-2017:ArchDaily: The building’s floor plan responds to the particular conditions: The Chapel and atrium’s geometry, the site’s edge with its marked topography and row... Religion-Chapel
11-6-2016:MODERNi; El concepto arquitectónico para esta capilla ecuménica es que sus incontables columnas, que desordenadamente soportan el techo rectangular de la capilla, están concebidas... Religion-Chapel
07-31-2016:Dezeen: Overlooking Portage Bay in North Capitol Hill, this new modestly-sized chapel at Seattle Preparatory School is located on a very constrained, prominent site... Chapel
04-15-2016:Dezeen: Unlike a cruciform, the concrete cross on the front and rear facades of All Saints Chapel is wider than it is tall. Sunlight seeps... Architecture
04-15-2016:Dezeen: Originally constructed as an annex to a members-only salon, the oval space was previously lined with steel panels that made the space dark... Architecture