Curno Public Library and Auditorium | Archea Associati
03-06-2019:MODERNi:The plan distinguishes the activities which pivot on the rectangular hall of the auditorium from the areas of the library, whose perimeter consists of... Library-Public
03-06-2019:MODERNi:The plan distinguishes the activities which pivot on the rectangular hall of the auditorium from the areas of the library, whose perimeter consists of... Library-Public
06-28-2018:MODERNi:The discourse of the architectural spaces develops around the ‘formal’ and the ‘informal’ functions. Within a rather tight site, we organized the rich programs... Auditorium-Performing Arts
04-20-2018;MODERNi; The Devon Auditorium’s design respects the city’s urban renaissance and encourages a vibrant street life. A high level of transparency serves to connect... Auditorium-Performing Arts
01-08-2017:MODERNi: The Forum was conceived in 2004 by John Gaunt, Dean the University of Kansas School of Architecture, Design & Planning from 1995 to... Auditorium-Lecture
05-01-2017:MODERNi: The theme of the design, for both the interior and the exterior, is the subtle combination of two opposites: old vs. new on... Auditorium-Music
04-30-2017:MODERNi: The project, aware of the enormous importance of the site chosen (an area of transition in the very historic center of the city... Architecture
03-27-2017:MODERNi: The new 4,200 m² Vendsyssel Theatre is a unique, cultural axis for the citizens and visitors to Hjørring in Northern Jutland. The ambition... Auditorium-Multi-Purpose
03:11:2016:MODERNi: The logistics of the theatre are meticulously organised. Car parking is located underground as well as a loading dock.The ground floor offers space... Auditorium-Multi-Purpose
11-26-2016:MODERNi: The metallic veil that enwraps the program volumes creates a distinctive presence on the San Antonio skyline, changing in appearance with different patterns... Auditorium-Performing Arts
11-5-2016:MODERNi; The project includes a new 1,200 seat theatre designed to support a variety of live music, dance and theatrical performances with multiple theatre... Auditorium-Multi-Purpose
09-25-2016:MODERNi: The six primary spaces in the new building include a grand porch and lobby which accommodate a variety of pre-function events, the primary... Auditorium-Multi-Purpose
09-20-2016:ArchDaily: All the material, both aluminium and plastic, is manufactured from a single extruded section, varied in placement and colour to give the appearance... Auditorium-Mixed Use